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PostPosted: Thu 23:10, 02 Aug 2007    Post subject:

Vimshottari Dasa: Ke-Ke(or Shukra - please give exact date)

The exact date is Jan 6, 2000, which makes it Ke-Ke dasa.

thanks for the analysis.

PostPosted: Thu 10:36, 02 Aug 2007    Post subject:

Date: May 2, 1980
Time: 20:25:35
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 79 E 27' 00", 29 N 23' 00"
Naini Tal, India

Oct 1988-Oct 1990 (USA)

Vimshottari Dasa:Bu-Ve-Ke

Buddha Shukra sandwiched seventh bhava in D1 and 4H in D4. These are very important in travel/going abroad. We see that Buddha has Virodhargalaa on Seventh bhava (work/buisness-travel) and this is broken by Shukra which has argala on that bhava being twelfth lord in eight bhava (9 from Navamsa position).

In D4 Buddha is Maraka to forth bhava so definitely in that Mahadasa native will not feel good with home country/house. This will be improved in Shukra AD (4L in D4) as it also brokes Virodhargala of Buddha on forth bhava in D4. Shukra is also Badhakesh which is very important.

Narayana Dasa - Sc-Cn. Sc was of the last part which belongs to Mangal or Chandra (if afflicted and here is debilitated). Cn is badhak sthan and with Bhavapati in Udaya it will definitely give foreign move.

Jan 2000- Currently (USA)

Vimshottari Dasa: Ke-Ke(or Shukra - please give exact date)

MD : Ke sits in D4 Lagna so gives definitely important event related to that Varga.

AD: Ke is maraka Isa to 4H.

Narayana: Cp-Vi.

Like in previous case there is malefic in forth bhava from MD. Sani is in 10 from Moon so work issue will be very important, and this will cost a lot (some invenstment/expenses will be there in Cp dasa). Ke/Ra in 2/8 axis will give fluctuation of wealth. Anubhava of that period Cp-Vi is Vrsabha which is seventh bhava (travel), Venus lording (travel) and in eight bhava (foreign).

Interesting is that Sahams were not touched in both situations (in Udu dasa).
PostPosted: Thu 7:55, 02 Aug 2007    Post subject: Timing of my travel abroad

Birth Detail

May 2 1980

Oct 1988-Oct 1990 (USA)
Jan 2000- Currently (USA)

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